Note: this guide is intended for REC brokers and installers, not system owners.
When Enphase records a change of ownership for a system (or another permission-related account change happens with the Enlighten user), the new owner/user needs to reauthorize PowerDash in order for PowerDash to continue accessing Enlighten data. This procedure can only be done after Enphase has completed the ownership change for the new system owner.
Here is the procedure, which is usually done by the REC broker since generally a REC broker is the only party that will receive the contact information for the new system owner:
- Find the system through the Agency Reports view.
- In the reporting detail or system profile detail, if this Enlighten permissions problem is present, you will see the Enlighten Authorization Required status with a link to resolve the issue.
- Follow the Resolve link to fill out a simple form (see below), which will send the new system owner an email with a link to authorize PowerDash from their Enlighten account. The link is system-specific, so this form needs to be filled out for each system requiring reauthorization (the link cannot be copied and sent to a different user).
- The new owner will need to authorize PowerDash in the link that is sent.